Not gonna lie – I was a bit down in the dumps Friday and Saturday morning, but there is NO WAY a person with a heart even the size of the Grinch would be able to stay grouchy after the very successful ‘Congratulations Fundraiser’ that The American Legion Family at Muldoon Post 29 put together this past Saturday!   Suffice it to say, I was on Cloud 9 by the time I headed home that evening.

There were amazing silent auction items – donated by Legion entities and individual members – and all brought in amazing amounts.  A 50-50 raffle brought in several hundreds.  Three outcry auction items were hotly contested with bids going back and forth and raising thousands.  Legion Family members from all the Anchorage bowl Posts attended, and they didn’t want to be “one upped” by each other so the bidding was fast, furious and seemed to know no boundaries!

Outright donations were made by Post, Units and Squadrons as well as money slipped in my hand by individuals.

We sold quite a few Team Alaska polos, (if you need yours yet, you can order online here under our “Gear” tab but some sizes are limited.) with all proceeds going to the Alaska Leadership Development Fund.

And we have a couple “checks in the mail” with promises for more donations.

Oh, and the food.  Plenty was on hand, and they even had a wonderful cake congratulating me on this journey.

A record-breaking amount of money that was raised.  Simply outstanding, and very humbling for this ALA member!

While I know it was a group effort with several people and Legion entities contributing in a big way, I do feel I need to thank one individual at Muldoon Unit 29 that spearheaded the effort – Angel Whitney!  She started this with just an idea last spring to help the campaign.  With a bit of guidance from a few members, she was able to get everyone working together for a common cause.  Just like our Mission!  One cause!  I sincerely thank you for your extra efforts, Angel.

So I thank all of you!  I want to congratulate all of you on the numbers that were donated!  It was, and still is, simply amazing.  But I thank you all, mostly for your continued support!  I know you have my back, and I promise to have the backs of our veterans and our military.

God bless you all!