This time of the year makes a person think back on the past year, and this year is no different for me.  Reflections on the past year are a myriad of emotions for me, from extreme happiness to some despair, from being overwhelmed to being so very grateful and thankful.  And as long as we can remember that gratitude, I believe everything will be alright.

This August, I was blessed and honored to have been elected as the American Legion Auxiliary’s National Vice President.  I was able to have my husband and both adult children there with me, with son Kyle even nominating me!  Super grateful to have my family with me!

But to add to it, I had my Legion Family there – Auxiliary, Legion, Sons and Riders – from Alaska, and across our great country!  All of you have supported me in this journey, and I am not lying when I say it couldn’t have been done without you.

My profession career has taken a slight detour as I’m no longer property managing a commercial property due to its sale; this is a good thing as you would not believe the amount of planning that goes into the next step – if God is willing.  But this chapter being over is bittersweet.

Both my kids have moved away from home, both on the Eastern Time zone – 4 hours difference!  While it does sadden me that they are so far away, I am extremely proud of the roads they have taken in their own lives, that they are happy and healthy.

My rock, my husband, stands by me through the ups and downs.  Yes, he too sometimes gets upset but only because he sees how this roller coaster of a ride takes a toll on me.  But I know he is there behind me, beside me and yes, sometimes even dragging me forward kicking and screaming!

The emotions that I have had in the past couple months since being elected have been all over the place, but I simply remind myself it’s not about me; it’s about the mission – supporting our veterans, our military and their families.

And I hope you all keep the Mission in the front of your mind as you approach this Thanksgiving.  Remember there are those that are far from home, fighting for our freedoms!  And for that I am most thankful.

~~ Lisa Williamson, 2022-2023 ALA National Vice President