After I was installed as the American Legion Auxiliary’s 2022-2023 National Vice President, I try to gather my thoughts.  I hear, “Congratulations, Madam National Vice President” and my heart skips a beat!  I want to make sure I do a good job, that I can live up to everyone’s expectations, that I remember our Mission of supporting our MilVet community, that I don’t disappoint anyone, that I am still the same Lisa that you all know.  And I promise to do all that.

But first, I want to share my words from the Installation of 2022-2023 National Officers, not because it needs repeating, but because I agonized over what to say.  And after many edits and changes, it truly reflects what my heart feels.

Thank you. I stand before you grateful and humbled to have been elected to serve as your National Vice President.  What an honor! I look forward to showing I’m worthy of this trust every day of this next year.

First, I wish to thank my family – those that traveled here today and those who are watching on the live stream! 

My husband, Darrel, who I happened to meet at a Legion Family convention.  The Legion Family has given me so much, but who knew it would also bring me the love of my life?

Both my children who were raised in this organization –

My daughter, Danielle, who attended her fair share of National Junior Meetings, serving in several Honorary Junior offices at the National, Department and Unit levels;

And my son, Kyle, who is still serving in the Alaska Air Guard and is a triple threat as a member of the Legion, SAL, and the Auxiliary. He also made history as being the first male ALA member to nominate an Auxiliary National Officer. 

Danielle’s husband, Mike, and their two boys, Dawson and Micah as well as both my brothers, Rob and Jake, their spouses and children and my stepfather are at home watching online.  Mom, well, my mom is watching us from above.

Now, I would like to recognize my extended family – would the entire Legion Family from Alaska please stand?  Your trust and belief in me has helped bring me to this point. Thank you for all your support throughout the years.  This was a team effort – TEAM ALASKA!

I would be remiss if I didn’t recognize the Legion family in the Department of Arizona.  They have “adopted” me as one of their own when I winter there.

I would like to express my appreciation to the entire Western Division. Alaska, Arizona and the rest of the Western Division, please stand so I can say thank you to all of you.

And a shout out to my Kent-Aska Family.  You know who you are!  I love and thank you all!

John F. Kennedy once said, “As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter the words, but to live by them.”  It’s my pledge to each of you that I will serve with grace, compassion, commitment to the Mission, and of course, a smile.

People have heard me say that one of the greatest benefits of membership in the American Legion Auxiliary are the friends you make.  And I firmly believe that.  If it weren’t for the Auxiliary, I would have never met this wonderful lady here – Vickie Koutz who will be serving as our National President. 

Vickie and I have had amazingly similar journeys to these leadership positions.  How does that saying go, “what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger”??  Well, I’m here to tell you that two very strong women stand before you!  And we will continue to be strong – for you, for our veterans, for our service members, their families and our communities. 

I love you, Vickie, and cannot wait to see what the year has in store for you!  Know that I am always behind you!  And beside you!  Take the world by storm, my friend. We’re all here to see and help you succeed.

In a nutshell, I THANK YOU ALL!  Wholeheartedly!