Just another few days, and we’re off to Milwaukee for the National Convention for The American Legion Family!  Just another step in my journey, this time to become the American Legion Auxiliary National Vice President.

Am I going to say I’m not a bit nervous?  Nope!  Am I going to say I’m not excited?  Nope!  I’m both excited and nervous!  People say, “you got this!” and “what do you have to be nervous about?” I’ll tell you why!

For over a dozen years, I’ve been an ALA National Chairman!  I know what do to there!  I do this in September, this in October, reports this month, arrangements that month.  You know, a routine!  I know what I’m doing!  At the end of this month, I enter a whole new phase of this journey.  If everything goes according to plan, and throw in a bit of good luck, I will be elected as the ALA National Vice President.  Something I’ve never done.  No routine to follow because there is none!  I’ve been ensured that I won’t be bored and I’ll have plenty to do; that it’s a year to plan!

Am I proud?  Yup, but I think “humbled and honored” is the more fitting term.  I do want to make everyone proud – my Unit, my Department, my supporters – but it’s not about me!  I want to ensure I do the right thing for the right reasons.  I love this organization.  I want to promote our Mission of supporting our veterans, our military and their families.

And I think the butterflies that are fluttering in my belly are telling me that this really means something!  I suspect if it didn’t mean something, I wouldn’t be nervous!  So yes, I’m nervous and excited both at the same time.

All ego aside, I can truly say Just another few days, and we’re off to Milwaukee for the National Convention for The American Legion Family!  And I simply don’t want to muff that up! #MissionDriven

~ Lisa Williamson, 2022-2023 ALA National Vice President Candidate