We have seen an increase in COVID-19 numbers due to variants, but The American Legion Family National Convention continues on!

After 24 months in this administrative “year”, I think most Legion Family members are looking forward to seeing old friends and making new ones as we head to Phoenix during August 27 – September 2, 2021.  Commissions and committees will report on how we were able to “adapt and overcome” in the face of a pandemic.  New National Officers will be elected.  We will Celebrate A Century of Service (plus another year).  And have some good clean fun.

There still are protocols in place.  Face coverings are recommended indoors for all individuals regardless of vaccination status, but not required.  It will be on the honor system. Social distancing is recommended as well, but no temperature checks or proof of vaccinations.  Many events, breakfasts and extra-curricular meetings have been cancelled, to include the Parade.  But here’s the good news — we are still having a National Convention!

I do winter in Arizona.  So I will caution everyone of one thing – Phoenix boasts triple-digit temperatures this time of the year.  So drink plenty of water.

Many of our Alaskan delegates are proud to call National Vice President Kathy Daudistel our friend.  Please join me at her Installation as she becomes the ALA’s National President on Wednesday, September 1st at 2:00 p.m.

And I for one, cannot wait!