I CHALLENGE YOU! I am beginning my 100-mile journey today! WILL YOU?? #100MilesForHope
National Commander Bill Oxford: “I have taken the first steps on a 100-mile journey in support of our nation’s veterans and children. The unique challenge — 100 Miles for Hope — was created to help drive resources toward our Veterans & Children Foundation. The foundation provides necessary funds to train and support The American Legion’s network of more than 3,000 accredited service officers who represent veterans, free of charge, with their benefits claims and other needs. Additionally, military families facing financial crises are eligible to receive Temporary Financial Assistance, which is funded by American Legion Veterans & Children Foundation donations.
“We’re asking for support from our American Legion Family members to put on their walking or running shoes, get on their bikes or rev up their motorcycles for 100 miles today through Veterans Day, which is 100 days from now. And I am issuing a special challenge to department commanders to join me, if they are physically able, in the 100-mile quest.” #100MilesForHope